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Bausch + Lomb Bio True contact lens cleaner Art no.: 5066

  • Bio True contact lens cleaner

Glasses or contact lenses? When it comes to this question, clearly we stand for glasses — and of course for eyewear that delivers character and makes a statement. However, there are some occasions in life when contact lenses may be a little more practical.

For these moments, we recommend not some random contact lens cleaner or eye drops, but a wholly different solution: Biotrue, from our Berlin-based partner Bausch and Lomb. This all-in-one fluid has a pH of 7.5, just like healthy tears, and provides a comfortable feeling when you insert your contact lenses. Biotrue Multi-Purpose Solution contains hyaluronan, a naturally-occuring lubricant we already have in our eyes, which surrounds the lenses with a sort of hydrating cushion. The solution also supports the antibacterial function of our beneficial tear proteins.

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